Family history and family chronicle
Creating a family history and family chronicle
Creating a family chronicle and family history involves extensive research on deceased as well as living people in a family, a clan or ancestors in a direct or indirect line of relationship. It is a representation of the development of a family in chronological order. Simply writing down biographical data is not enough. It is important to collect a lot of data that represents an individual as objectively as possible. In a family there are simpler and outstanding personalities. Not every family member and not every ancestor had an ideal environment to educate and develop in order to ultimately stand out. Some family members had no chance of supporting themselves and their families. One or the other earthling in your family was perhaps a black sheep in the white herd. To illuminate this is also exciting and worth telling.
Start with yourself and your closest relatives, then move on to your ancestors. Question their oldest relatives, who have a lot to tell. Ask about the origins of the ancestors and their stories and oral traditions. Yes, put this on paper!
You can find vital dates in numerous sources. First, those that you also need to create a family tree or a pedigree. They are the baptism, marriage and death registers of the churches. You can look for further sources in the relatives. You should look for photographs, deeds, contracts, inventories, ID cards, mortgage bonds, testimonials, obituaries, newspaper articles, and research papers. In addition to these private sources, you should definitely take the official sources into account. In public archives, church and village archives, collections there is a wealth of information to be discovered and this in turn leads us to genealogical research.
Nowadays, computer-aided programs are available to us, which make it much easier for the researcher to record the collected data in a structured way. Such genealogy programs are able to create automated family reports with a click of a button. But exactly, the researcher must first collect the data and enter them in an orderly manner. Whenever possible, the text should be underlined and illustrated with image data.
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